has arrived :D

cos i have no restraint at all i'm going to spin up teeny tiny bit of each and see how they feel.

cheviot (and here): got these by mistake, meant to get generic 56s, but hey, it's white. i have a lot so i'm going to have to get used to it. soft and silky, tricky to draft because it's so slippy. staple length 4-5".

bfl: wow this is so different. not as silky to the feel but has more of a sheen. the colour i have is called oatmeal and it's beautiful, a soft brown-grey with variation between darker and lighter fibres. it's more grabby so much easier to draft, i'm turning out a much thinner smoother singles. staple length 6-7". i've often heard this recommended for beginners and i can see why, it's lovely. in fact i'm going to keep on spinning this one. not right now cos i have work to do, but this can be my treat when i've done.