japanese craft books
i've just started a wishlist at yes asia. i haven't much more than a vague clue about the content of each book, but i'm willing to take a chance for inspiration. i started with a random craft book isbn from someone's blog entered into amazon.co.jp and then clicked randomly from item to item until i got stopped in my tracks by something that appealed. scroll down the page till you spot the isbn then enter into yes asia which is all in english, lists prices in £ and ships international for free. bingo :D
filling up that list will be an enjoyable way to pass the time but right now i should be houseworking.
edit: lol, my subconcious has a lot to answer for, how come i managed to utterly miss the whipup article on this subject? my interest came from the amigurumi thing via a wee wonderfuls post which came up top google. ah well, i catch up eventually :)