two sides of my personality are in currently conflict and i'm suddenly questioning my commitment to the crafting way. i'm seriously considering spending all the money i've saved in my spinning wheel fund (and then some) on a night in a plush hotel and 2 tickets for the strokes. we saw them up in manchester a few years ago and had a f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c time. all depends on the album of course, i'm about 3 songs in on my first listen and it's sounding good so far.
will update...
nah, mr lendrum can sleep sound in his bed, looks like my money's still heading his way. i'm pretty gutted, i was really up for it being a real return to form but there's bugger all hooks and shouting don't equal energy in my book. jc's starting to sound like shane macgowan in places. tbh it's got me thinking room on fire wasn't so bad after all :eek: