
i'm soph, aka mama. this blog began in january 2005 when i started sewing clothes from the finnish magazine ottobre for my then nearly-2-year-old daughter. it's primarily my notebook; a collection of thoughts, clippings and links, planned and finished projects. as such it follows my magpie-like attraction to novelty, which tends to chase off after the next new thing just before the current task is properly accomplished. it's resolutely on-topic, but the topic itself changes with the seasons. you'll find sewing, crochet, knitting, spinning, embroidery, feltmaking, quilting, photography and kids projects here. my interests tend to move in cycles, so you can be sure most areas will be revisited in time.

i publish the blog rather than record it in private because i like to share finished projects with those who've helped or inspired their creation. i appreciate others' compilations of tutorials and other resources, so i hope that my links may be of use to somebody out there at the same stage in their craft as me. i also want to share my patterns as i've enjoyed making so many things from free online patterns it's my chance to pay that forward. but every now and again i still get nervous at the idea that actual people are actually reading.

i'm experimenting with running a few google ads in the sidebar. hopefully they'll be well targeted, relevant to readers and not detract from the feel of the place. who knows, they might one day cover my hosting fees.